Shine Body Therapies: Shiatsu and Massage to Help the Body Heal Itself
Italian-native and Shine Body Therapies owner Sara Vanin practices massage therapy and Shiatsu at the business location in downtown Palatine. Shine Body Therapies is a recently new business located at 134 W. Slade Street in historic downtown Palatine. Owner Sara Vanin believes strongly in the body’s ability to heal itself, with the aid of nutrition and […]
Sidewalk Sales are Back in Downtown Palatine!
The Downtown Palatine Business Association (DPBA) will again host its annual Sidewalk Sales on Thursday, June 4 through Saturday, June 6 from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. Take advantage of special sales and close-outs as the DPBA retailers make way for new inventory. Visit any (or all!) of the businesses listed below, and when you make […]